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    Your password reset email may be stuck in a spam blocker or email inbox junk folder. Ensure that Your password reset email may be stuck in a spam blocker or email inbox junk folder. Ensure that the traversesytems.com domain is whitelisted in your spamblocker.

    First, verify that you are logging in with the correct username. The username can be regular text or an email address. If the username is correct, perform a password reset using the Forgot Password? button below the login fields.

    Passwords must meet all of the following criteria: 

    • Contains at least 9 characters

    • Contains at least three of the following four character groups:

    1. English uppercase characters (A through Z)

    2. English lowercase characters(a through z)

    3. Numerals(0 through 9)

    4. Non - alphabetic characters(such as !, $, #, %)

    Two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of protection to ensure the security of Rivet accounts beyond just a username and password. Two-factor authentication is enabled via a user's Profile page. When two-factor authentication is enabled for a Rivet account the user will sign in with a username and password. A random Verification Code is emailed to the user. Rivet will then display a Two-Factor Auth Validation page where the user enters the verification code. Rivet then logs the user in.

    The following browsers are compatible and free:

    • Microsoft Edge current version

    • Mozilla Firefox current version.

    • Google Chrome current version.

    • Opera current version.

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