• In progress
  • Rivet Release Notes

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    • Release notes include new Major Features, Minor Features, and Bug Fixes

    • The release notes naming schema is YYYY.MM.# where # is the number of builds during the month. If we deployed 3 times during the same month the # would be 3. For example, The first release in January 2024 version is 2024.01.1.

    Release notes are available as a web page or a downloadable PDF via the Learning Center page menu.




    September: PDF

    June: PDF

    March: PDF

    August: PDF

    May: PDF

    January: PDF

    June r3: PDF

    April r2: PDF


    June r2: PDF

    April: PDF



    December: PDF

    September: PDF

    March: PDF

    October: PDF

    March r2: PDF



    January: PDF

    August: PDF

    March: PDF

    December: PDF

    May: PDF

    February: PDF


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