Vision 2024.03.2 Release Notes

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Version Number: 2024.3.2.1 Released On: Mar 5, 2024 


A. Major Changes

1. None.

B. Minor Changes

1. WMS Flex Query Tiles can now show the Map.

Tiles for WMS Flex Queries can now show the map instead of the grid.

2. Changed the calculation for “In Store“ status to not require units.

The previous calculation for “In Store” required there to be shipped units on the WMS data. The new calculation just requires the existence of a Store Scan record.

3. Added RR Date and ASN Date to PO Flex Queries.

The PO Flex Queries will now have the RR Date and the ASN Date for the PO.

4. Added new fields to WMS Flex Queries.

The WMS Flex Queries now have the WMS Location, the Initial DC Units and the Days from Last Activity available.

C. Bug Fixes

1. Fixed export error for PO Aggregate by Site.

Corrected an error when exporting the PO Aggregate by Site grids.



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