Vision 2024.03.4 Release Notes

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Version Number: 2024.3.4.1 Released On: Mar 12, 2024 


A. Major Changes

1. None.

B. Minor Changes

1. Add LoadNum and WmsOrderNum to Carton Flex Query.

Added the WMS Load Num and the WMS OrderNum to the Carton Flex Query.

2. Published the remaining Flex Query types as (PowerBi) API endpoints.

Currently, only the PO Query and PO Aggregate types are available via API. With this version, all other types are also available (PO Aggregate By Dept, PO Aggregate By ShipTo, PO Aggregate By Vendor, PO Detail Aggregate By Store and WMS Carton).

C. Bug Fixes

1. Fixed a slowness issue when PO Details screen opens.

Changed Vision to store some values instead of calculating them on the fly, to allow this screen to open faster.

2. Prevented Carton Flex Queries from appearing on the Card screen until published.

Vision was changed so that only the published Carton Flex Queries are available to add to a Tile.



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