Vision 2024.04.3 Release Notes

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Version Number: 2024.4.3.1 Released On: Apr 16, 2024 


A. Major Changes

1. None.

B. Minor Changes

1. Changed Routing Request data load to sum Pallets, Cartons, Weight and Units if sent on the Detail.

When a customer sends Pallets, Cartons, Weight and/or Units at the Routing Request Detail level, those values will be summed up to the Header.

2. Carton Search - Add Store Site and Final Dest Site as columns.

The Store Site and the Final Dest Site were added as columns on the Carton Search screen.

3. Purge Notifications at 120 days.

Vision will start purging Notifications (In-App Alerts and Emails) after 120 days.

C. Bug Fixes

1. PO Detail - Store Scan count not matching records.

Changes were made to the Vision data structures to link both Transfer and Receipt Document Types to a PO. The counter and the data in the grid were changed to use this new cross reference. There is still a small chance for the counts to be off, if the data is still be processed.



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