Vision 2024.05.1 Release Notes

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Version Number: 2024.5.1.1 Released On: May 7, 2024 


A. Major Changes

1. None.

B. Minor Changes

1. Add the ability to reorder Tabs.

You can now drag and drop Tabs on the Home page to reorder them.

2. PO Overview - Progress Tracker Enhancements.

Added cost and retail values as well as percent complete for units, cost, and retail.

C. Bug Fixes

1. Editing a Scheduled Alerts sets the Next Run Date.

When editing a Scheduled Alert, the next run was being set to current date/time. This has been corrected

2. Fixed date format when exporting.

When exporting from a tile, the date formats included 12:00:00am as the time value. This was changed to format as a date.



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