Vision 2024.06.1 Release Notes

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Version Number: 2024.6.1.1 Released On: Jun 4, 2024 


A. Major Changes

1. None.

B. Minor Changes

1. Changed Vision PO Data API to receive Item attributes.

The Vision Data API has been changed so that the PO data can contain Item attributes of Dept, Vendor, Cost and Retail.

2. Changed Vision Data API for APL data.

Vision’s Data API was changed to add an API Endpoint for APL to send data.

3. PO Flex Query - Add Version Number and Adj Reason.

Added the PO Version Number and Adj Reason (User Def field) to the PO Flex Query.

4. PO Detail - WMS Detail Grid - Changed MLP to be a link to Carton Search.

Changed the MLP field to be a link to Carton Search with the MLP prepopulated in the filter.

5. Changed Vision’s linking process for WMS to Container to use Booking Number.

Vision’s linking process for associating WMS data to Container data has been changed to use the Booking Number instead of the Transportation Control Number.

6. Changed Shipment box for new consolidated Shipment view.

Changed Shipment box for new look-n-feel and changed the transit details to a grid.

7. Convert Shipment Delivery Statuses to Shipment Events.

Added a new Shipment Load and changed the load process for the TMS data from MG to load Shipments and Shipment Events.

8. Changed Shipment Statuses for new plan.

Changed the Shipment Statuses to fit the new plan of consolidated “movement“ data.

C. Bug Fixes

1. None.



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