Vision 2024.07.4 Release Notes

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Version Number: 2024.7.4.1 Released On: Jul 23, 2024 


A. Major Changes

1. None.

B. Minor Changes

1. Shipment Search and Carton Search - Add Status Date Filter.

Both Shipment Search and Carton Search now have a (latest) Status Date filter.

2. Customer Configuration for Alert Events.

Customer Admins can now configure Alert Events. They can customize the caption and show/hide events that pertain to their business.

3. Shipment Alerts.

Shipment Alerts are now available via the “bell” icon on Shipment Overview and Shipment Details.

4. PO Search - Move Final Dest and Promotion Filters.

The Final Dest filter has been moved out of the Additional Filters so that the User Settings can be applied. Also, the Promotion filter has been added to the Additional Filters.

C. Bug Fixes

1. None.



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