Vision 2024.09.2 Release Notes

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Version Number: 2024.9.2.1 Released On: Sep 10, 2024 


A. Major Changes

1. None.

B. Minor Changes

1. Carton Alerts - Allow ASN Cartons.

Carton Alerts now support creating alerts on ASN Cartons.

2. Share Tiles - Allow a preview image of the tile.

When sharing a tile, the user can now attach a screenshot of the tile to help others understand the usage of the tile.

2. Change Vendor load to use Queues.

The Vendor data load has been changed to use Queues.

2. Show Active Users.

The Manage Users page has been split into 2 tabs. One tab for creating users and another tab for listing users. A group of filters has been added to the list screen.

C. Bug Fixes

1. None.



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