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  • Rivet July 2023 Release Notes

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    Release notes include new Major Features, Minor Features, and Bug Fixes

     A.    Major Release Items

    Modify Rules and Approvals Processing Logic (RIV-1722) Fix version 2023.07.19  

    Rivet logic was improved to ensure that Rivet consistently, accurately, and efficiently processed assignments, approvals, and rules according to the Order of Operations graphic below.

    B.    Minor Release Items

    Add Departments/Subgroups in the Rivet UI Display So the Company/Group Precedes the Department/Subgroup to Which They Are Assigned (RIV-1586) Fix versions 2023.07.19

    Company and group names were added before their associated departments and subgroups to facilitate identifying the parent organization when departments and subgroups receive assignments.

    The concatenated version of the assignment name is shown here:

    The concatenated parent-child group assignment names are found in the following Rivet locations:

     Inbox or Rule-Based Assignments

    ·         Add Assignment to a Task, Module, or Campaign

    ·         Add Approval Assignment to a Task or Module

    ·         Inbox Campaign Name

    ·         Inbox Task Campaign Name

    Rivet Board

    ·         Campaign Assignments tab > Assignment column

    ·         Module and Task Assignments Grids > Assignment Column

    ·         Note: On the Module tab there is a Parent column that displays the Parent Group/Company

    ·         Report Summary > Assignment Filter


    ·         Approval List

    ·         Task Approval

    ·         Module Approval


    C.    Bugs

    1. Rivet Is Sending an Invitation to Existing Account Users When Task(s) are Delegated to the Users (RIV-1676) Fix versions 2023.07.19

    2. Campaign Excel Export is Failing (RIV-1730) Fix versions 2023.07.11

    3. MCX - Rivet Throws a "Can't Find File" error when viewing Approval Uploads files. (RIV-1739) Fix versions 2023.07.11.2

    4. Rivet Blueprint Import is Not Importing (RIV-1640) Fix versions 2023.7.10

    5. Rivet user is receiving notifications of approvals but the approvals are not visible to the user in the Approvals Tab (RIV-1721) Fix versions 2023.06.20

    6. External Email Approval via email Accept/Reject link did not work for one group user but did for another. (RIV-1715) Fix versions 2023.06.07

    7. Rivet Is Not Sending Rule-Triggered Reports or External Email Approval Emails to Select External Email Users. (RIV-1714) Fix versions 2023.06.07

    8. Rivet is Bypassing Field Rules and Enabling Rule Held Tasks (RIV-1707) Fix versions 2023.06.07

    9. External email approval gets error on approve (RIV-1703) Fix versions 2023.06.07

    10. Add create/update account user/id to Rivet tables (RIV-1637) Fix versions 2023.05.12

    11. Rule-enabled fields are not showing up in Related Tasks (RIV-1563) Fix versions 2023.05.1

    12. In the Approvals Grid and Detail Module Approvals for Entity Campaigns Are Missing Primary and Secondary Label Fields. (RIV-1698) Fix versions 2023.05.11

    13. Rivet Is Throwing "Targeted field is not set" errors for Field Group Rules (RIV-1699) Fix versions 2023.05.08

    14. Task Items do not have their approvals showing up after task completion (RIV-1691)  Fix versions 2023.05.08

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