Help Pages Template/Style Sheet
Blue panels contain topical or summary information for each Learning Center page.
Green panels indicate recommended practices
Yellow panels indicate potential trouble to avoid
Use this template for help pages.
General style elements:
Images to the left.
Text to the right.
Align the image to the left, if it is large enough to occupy most or all of the page width, leaving no room for text.
Image captions are “Click to enlarge.”
Change workflow image below so it corresponds to the topic of the page.
Add or remove labels from page bottom as necessary.
Paragraphs must be small and concise. Individual sentences or bullets are easier for the viewer to follow.
Place text as close as possible to the graphical element the text addresses.
Do not use a bullet for one item, instead either say it in the opening phrase without bullets, or use an indented note without bullets:
Like this.
Avoid passive language, for example:
Wrong: we are needing to, or we are wanting to,
Right: we need to, or we want to.
Do not add unnecessary graphics or other visual distractions to the pages. This is not a marketing portal.
Do not use arrows or similar images unless they are necessary.
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