Rivet 2024.03.1 Release Notes

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Release notes include new Major Features, Minor Features, and Bug Fixes

Version Number: 2024.03.2 Released On: Mar 29, 2024 

A. Major Release Items

1. None

B. Minor Release Items

1. Campaign Builder - Left Bar changes

The cards in the left sidebar that contain Module and Task information were changed to improve the value of the information for users.

  • Module and Task changes

    • The Assignments count includes assignments and assignments via completion rules.

    • Overrides are not included in assignment quantity.

    • The Rules count includes completion rules.

  • Task delegation: Delegations now indicate if the delegation is Standard (S) or Enhanced (E).

  • Module and task Approvals include Approvals.

  • Task status – Inactive is removed and will no longer display.

  • The Answered badge indicating that a task was answered was removed.

Click to Enlarge

2. Download Task Name and Description Fields Added to Inbox Download Task

Click to enlarge

3. Observer and PII Access for Admin and Staff No Longer Require Assignment Data Records, Which Are Required for Member-Level Role Assigned PII via Task, Module, or Campaign Configuration.

4. Video Viewing Tasks Are Simplified To Support External Video Links Only. The Video Upload Was Removed.

C. Bug Fixes

1. Notifications Page Grid Sort was Incorrect

2. Breadcrumbs Tested and Standardized Throughout Rivet. Rivet Board Buttons Were Validated by Role.

3. Users Were Added to Company and Departments But Did Not Get Assigned to Company and Department Tasks

4. External Email Approvals Were Adding Unrelated Approvals From Iterations of the Same Campaign to the Approval Email Body

5. Inbox: When an Inbox Answer Was Changed, Rivet Retained Show fields And their Answers and Upon Complete Task an Error was Thrown