Rivet 2024.04.1 Release Notes

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  • Release notes include new Major Features, Minor Features, and Bug Fixes

  • The release notes naming schema is YYYY.MM.# where # is the number of builds during the month. If we deployed 3 times during the same month the # would be 3. For example, The first release in January 2024 version is 2024.01.1.

Release notes are available as a web page or a downloadable PDF via the Learning Center page menu.

Version Number: 2024.04.1 Released On: Apr 3, 2024 

A. Major Release Items

1. None

B. Minor Release Items

1. Rivet Board - Task View - Added new Actual Status field which includes Pending Approval


Click to enlarge


C. Bug Fixes

1. For multi-tiered approvals, rejected task reasons were going to the task log, but not the top of the task tab area

Click to enlarge

2. Inbox changes to uncompleted PII field answers caused Rivet to retain hide/show PII field answers with redactions in email report attachments

3. Fixed cause of Rivet overwriting due dates and correct affected due date

4. Module approval emails were sent before all module tasks requiring approval were completed