Create New Rivet Membership
  • In progress
  • Create New Rivet Membership

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    Prospective users create their new membership via an invitation email from the Rivet account that created the invitation.

    • When a prospective user does not have an existing Rivet membership and clicks the Invitation email Join link their browser will take them to the Rivet Membership Sign Up page.

    • When a prospective user does have a membership with another Rivet account and clicks the Invitation email Join link their browser will take them to the Rivet Login page.

    • Rivet determines whether or not a new user has an existing Rivet membership for other accounts by comparing the new user’s email address.

    • Details for multiple accounts are segregated throughout Rivet.

    In the Membership Sign Up form the user will enter:

    Click to enlarge
    • Email address

    • Username (requirements on next page)

    • First Name and Last Name

    • Password and password confirmation (requirements b)

    After entering the required information in the membership sign up fields the user must:

    • Review and agree to the Rivet membership Terms of Service

    • Confirm that they are a real human using the reCaptcha tool.

    • Click the + COMPLETE SIGN UP button.

    Rivet will create a membership for the new user and take the user to the Login page.

    Click to enlarge

    The user may login and get to work.

    The Email address is not required to be the email address where the invitation was sent. Rivet will sort out the different email addresses behind the scenes.

    The Username must contain at least 8 characters.

    The user may create a character-based username, or they may enter an email address in the Username field.

    Password requirements:

    • The password must be at least 7 characters

    • The password must contain 3 of the following character types

      • Upper case letter

      • Lower case letter

      • Special character  !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~

      • Number

    The user must enter the same password in both the Password and Confirm Password fields. The Confirm Password field is hidden behind the popup Password Requirements box in the image above.

    Review the Rivet membership Terms of Service using the scroll bar to the right of the TOS box.

    Check the “I agree to the Terms of Service” box.

    Confirm that they are a real human using the reCaptcha tool.

    • Check the “I’m not a robot” box.

    • In some cases the reCaptcha tool will accept the check and allow the user to complete the signup process.

    • Usually, the user must complete a verification process by selecting specific images. An example is the “traffic lights” image to the right.














    To complete the membership sign up process click the +COMPLETE SIGN UP button.

    If any fields do not comply with the requirement, Rivet will display an error message in a red bar below the non-compliant field or fields.


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