Reset Rivet Password
The Rivet Password Reset enables users to reset their password by entering their username.
Users will receive two emails from Rivet during the password reset process.
Consider recommending or requiring users to create their new membership using their email address as their username. This will make it easier for users to remember their username.
Always create unique, strong passwords or passphrases that only you can access.
Reset a password by clicking the Forgot Password? link under the LOGIN button on the Login page.
Rivet will display Forgot Password page.
Enter the username and click the Submit button.
If the username you entered is valid, Rivet will send you two emails.
Password Reset (1 of 2): Confirms your Username
Password Reset (2 of 2): Provides a reset token you will enter in the Reset Password page
Click the Reset Password link in a Reset Password email.
If Reset Password link does not work. Copy the text (not the hyperlink url) in the link at the bottom of the email body paste it as plain text into your browser’s address field. Press enter.
The Reset Password page will open.
Enter your Username, Reset Token, New Password, and Confirm Password.
Click the Submit button.
Rivet will return you to the Login page, where you can login.
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