Join Rivet from an Invitation Email
Before someone can complete tasks in Rivet, they must create a Rivet user membership.
Existing Rivet users invite prospective users to join their organization accounts via Rivet.
Consider recommending or requiring users to create their new membership using their email address as their username. This will make it easier for users to remember their username.
To begin the new membership process, logout of any existing Rivet memberships to Rivet accounts before clicking on an invitation email link .
If the prospective user’s organization scrubs or modifies inbound email hyperlinks for information security reasons and this renders the Join link ineffective, the prospective user may copy and paste the plain text from the link at the bottom of the email into their browser url address field.
Prospective users accept the invitation using the link in the Account Invitation email.
If the prospective user does not have an existing Rivet membership, clicking the Join link takes the prospective user to the Rivet Sign Up For Membership page.
If the prospective user has an existing Rivet user membership with another organization, the Join link will take the user to the Rivet Login page. The user will login in to Rivet and the new organization account is added to the user’s existing membership.
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