Vision 2023.09.05 Release Notes

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Version Number: 2023.9.5.1

Released On: Sep 5, 2023 

What’s Changed:

Show or hide Home Page Tabs by Tag

In VIS-162, the ability to show and hide Home Page Tabs/Sections by Tag. Admins can define Tags available via the Administration screen. Admin can then also associate Tags to Home Page Tabs/Sections. Users can associate themselves to Tags via their Profile settings. The View drop down on the Home Page will allow the user to show/hide tabs with their Tags.

Select drop downs can now handle large datasets

In VIS-400, Vision’s was changed to be able to handle large data in drop downs. With this change, the Vendor drop down was changed to be able to handle large datasets. When the control is dropped down, the user must type at least 2 characters to allow the control to filter data accordingly.

Allow Units/Qty fields to hold decimal values

In VIS-504, Vision’s Units and Qty fields were converted to allow decimal values to be stored.

Fixed bug Exporting data

In VIS-576, a bug exporting grids was resolved.


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