Vision 2023.10.31 Release Notes

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Version Number: 2023.10.31.1

Released On: Oct 31, 2023 


Major Release Items

Added “Has Alert” to Po Search (VIS-548)

A new Y/N field called “Has Alert” has been added to the Po Search. This new field is new column as well as a filter in the Additional Filter area.

Added the ability show/hide Flex Query columns by Customer (VIS-424)

The Vision Support Team now has the ability to hide or show Flex Query columns by Customer. This function is not available in the application at this time.

Minor Release Items


Bug Fixes

Fixed error when exporting PO Details by Site (VIS-626)

The error when exporting the PO Details by Site grid on the PO Details page has been fixed.

Fixed error when searching Receipt Summaries (VIS-629)

The error when searching in the Receipt Summaries grid on the PO Details page has been fixed.


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