Vision 2023.12.5 Release Notes

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Version Number: 2023.12.5.1 Released On: Dec 12, 2023 


A. Major Changes

1. None.

B. Minor Changes

1. Added new “FlexQuery” endpoint to the API.

The new “FlexQuery” endpoint was added to the Vision API. This endpoint will become the new endpoint for use in PowerBI and other reporting tools. The “PowerBi” endpoint will eventually be sunset/removed.

2. New Alert actions on PO Search.

PO Search now contains actions to View and/or Create an alert associated to the PO.

3. Updated 3rd Party Libraries.

Finished the Quarterly review and update of 3rd Party Libraries. Upgraded to .Net 8.

C. Bug Fixes

1. PO Overview - Expand All does not work.

Fixed bug with PO Overview and the Expand All button.



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