Vision 2024.02.5 Release Notes

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Version Number: 2024.2.5.1 Released On: Feb 20, 2024 


A. Major Changes

1. None.

B. Minor Changes

1. Create new PO Items grid on the PO Details screen.

There is now a new PO Items grid on the PO Details screen. This will show PO Item data at the SKU/UPC level.

2. Moved Alert management to Manage menu.

Alerts used to be under the Profile. They are now moved to the Manage menu.

3. Ability to have multiple Alerts per PO, Carton, etc.

Previous to this version, you were restricted to only create 1 alert per PO. With this version, you may now create multiple alerts.

4. Ability to schedule a Flex Query Alert.

You may now create an Alert for a Flex Query. These alerts will be scheduled to run either Daily, Weekly or Monthly.

5. Published Vision API Documentation.

The Vision API Documentation site is now live.

C. Bug Fixes

1. Changed PO Flex Queries for better performance.

The PO Flex Queries were changed to allow better performance.



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