Vision 2024.06.8 Release Notes

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Version Number: 2024.6.8.1 Released On: Jun 25, 2024 


A. Major Changes

1. None.

B. Minor Changes

1. Ocean Container Status data converted to Shipment data.

Ocean Container data will now appear under the Shipments areas.


2. Add DC/Store flag to PO queries.

Added the DC/Store flag to PO Queries. This flag identifies the site as a DC or Store.

3. PO Search - Add Final Dest Site filter.

Added a filter on PO Search for the Final Destination Site.

4. Flex Queries - Converted Aggregate queries into Group By queries.

The “Aggregate By X” queries were converted to “Group By X“ queries.


5. Calculation for In DC - Final changed for Complete Flag.

The In DC - Final status calculation has been changed to account for the Complete Flag. If Complete Flag is set, then the Carton or PO is converted to the In DC - Final status if the carton is in transit.

C. Bug Fixes

1. None.



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