Vision 2024.07.2 Release Notes

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Version Number: 2024.7.2.1 Released On: Jul 16, 2024 


A. Major Changes

1. None.

B. Minor Changes

1. Parameter Driven Flex Queries.

This new feature will allow users to create a “Parameter”. This parameter can be used in many flex queries allowing the value to be changed in 1 spot, rather than having to change it in each flex query. Parameters can be at the Customer level (available for the whole company to use) or User level (only available to the user).

2. New Screen - Shipment Detail.

The Shipment Detail screen is now available.

3. Add Direction to Shipment Grids.

To assist users in knowing the direction of the shipment, a new column has been added to the Shipment Grids. Directions are “Inbound to DC” or “Outbound from DC”.

3. Notification Popup - Add buttons to the top.

The action buttons on the Notification popup have been added to the top of the window for ease of marking.

C. Bug Fixes

1. PO Search - Fixed the Final Dest filter to allow values with leading 0’s.

Fixed the bug when a user searched for a location with leading 0’s in the site number.



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